Version 1.4: new procedural dungeon, Ability Tablets, cafe talks, and more!
Horizon's Gate » Devlog
A major content update is here, with a brand new port and attached dungeon! The dungeon is five levels deep, procedurally generated, and can be ventured into as many times as you want. At its bottom is a new kind of item: Ability Tablets! There are also tons of balance changes, new dialog, and a new trade mechanic!
Here are the details:
- New port: Ahlvarza!
- This port contains a repeatable 5-level procedural dungeon filled with new enemies!
- Delve in as far in as you can - Ranuz will pull you out with a 'Gate device' if you fall in battle.
- New item: 'Ability Tablets'! Every class ability has a corresponding Ability Tablet.
- They can be equipped as an accessory or weapon/armor augment.
- Tablets grant +1 rank to the chosen ability, even going beyond max rank! (for most abilities)
- When equipped as an Accessory, they can be used to cast the ability, even without equipping the class.
- Can be found at the end of the new dungeon, or as rare finds at the Salvage Station and certain groves.
- Only one tablet of each ability can be found (no duplicates).
- Bored of the same old cafe chatter? Now you can ask Reeve about most journal entries!
- 100+ new conversations!
- Reeve will now chat every time you eat at the cafe, instead of skipping consecutive days.
- "I wanted to ask something about you" options now disappear after the dialogs have been viewed.
- New trade mechanic: Market Rate!
- Each port starts at 100% Market Rate.
- Sell value of trade goods is multiplied by Market Rate.
- Selling trade goods lowers Market Rate (to a minimum of 50%).
- NPC fleet visits increase Market Rate (to a maximum of 120%).
- Each day Market Rate shifts toward 100%. Ports with higher wealth level and more nearby allied ports will recover from low rates faster.
- Trade goods now only sell for half value at non-port locations
- Increased all maximum trade good stock by 10%
- Selling trade goods at their port of origin now re-adds them to the port inventory
- Added dedicated 'Crew Inventory' button
- You can now convert XP into Stars (1000:1) at player-established Training Grounds
- Overworld discovery range increased by +1 for non-port locations
- Crew spawns at cafes now select randomly from the port list, instead of in order, increasing crew diversity
- New ship added as investment unlock at Trabenton (NOTE: only for games that haven't visited Trabenton yet!)
- New equipment added as investment unlocks at Bette Sands, Wraele, Fivili, Crubtown, Luss (NOTE: only for games that haven't visited those ports yet!)
- Gatekeeper's 'Gate: Magma', 'Gate: Storm', 'Gate: Flood', and 'Gate: Sky' can now be cast directly on obstacles
- Sailor's 'Heave' and 'Rope' now can't miss allies
- Sailor's 'Rope' now gains accuracy from Fist Skill instead of using weapon accuracy
- Elementalist's 'Windslash' base damage increased by +1
- Gatewarder's 'Gate: Barrage' MP cost increased from 7 -> 9
- 'Preserve' status now protects against the Max HP penalty from being KO'd
- Chain Shot damage increased by +1
- All Greatswords now have 2 augment slots
- Ice Carapace now ignores half Magic Defense and half target's Ice Skill
- Ruin Aura Magic Attack and Ruin Skill scaling reduced from 1:1 -> 1:0.5
- Ruin Aura now ignores half Magic Defense and half target's Ruin Skill
- Reduced base healing of Bandages from 18 -> 16
- Reduced base healing of Splints from 20 -> 18
- Bandage and Splint Life Skill scaling changed from just caster 1:1 -> caster and target 1:0.25 each
- Reduced base healing of Lifeshards from 14 -> 12
- Reduced Lifeshard Life Skill scaling for both caster and target from 1:0.5 -> 1:0.25
- Increased value of Grubhusk from $15 -> $18
- Absorbent Mesh price reduced from $2500 -> $1500
- Anti-Boarding Net price reduced from $500 -> $250
- Gossip now only mentions location coordinates after reaching 200+ exploration fame
- Salvage Shipwreck job base reward increased from $1150 -> $1250
- Morale boost of most +Element cafe foods increased by +1%
- Ships with a minimum crew of 1 no longer suffer the normal cannon damage penalty for having only 1 crew
- Defeating a pirate fleet now also gives +1 favor with all 3 nations
- Burst Pod and Blast Pod damage now ignore half Physical Defense
- Burst Pod, Sickly Pod, and Blast Pod now explode when struck by Wind (which means they can explode each other, causing chain reactions)
- Reduced XP cost of Sage's 'Green Touch' from 350 -> 275
- Increased XP cost of Sage's 'Critical Recovery' from 250 -> 400
- Reduced XP cost of Ravager's 'Indomitable' from 400 -> 250
- Reduced XP cost of Balancer's 'Geomancy' from 600 -> 500
- Increased XP cost of Balancer's 'Life Mirror' from 450 -> 500
- Spidest now gain +3 defenses in RUIN mode instead of +30 Max HP
- Increased animation speed of Lifeshards
- Enemy passive 'Setae Aura' now only plays an animation when it hits a target
- Character-change keybinds now function normally when holding an item instead of giving the item
- Closing the journal after 'Look'ing with a controller now automatically re-enters 'Look' mode
- Controllers can now scroll crew inventory lists
- Improved keybinds for controllers! This ONLY takes effect for new installs or if you reset to Default keybinds.
- Changed default controller keybind for 'Look' from (LB) -> Left Stick / Right Stick
- Changed default controller keybind for 'Command Select' from (Y) -> (LT)
- Changed default controller keybind for 'Ability Select' from (LT) -> (Y)
- Changed default controller keybind for 'Crew Inventory' from (LB) -> Start
- Added default controller keybind for 'Prev Party Member' to (LB)
- Added default controller keybind for 'Next Party Member' to (RB)
- Fixed visible debug messages when scrolling menus with a controller
- Reeve now warns about the endgame point of no return even if she is not in the party
- Fixed 'Victory' message occasionally getting stuck off-center
- Fixed ships getting stuck in static pose after being damaged in the overworld
- Fixed neutral fleets occasionally spawning at certain remote ports and getting stuck there
- Fixed investments in enemy ever-loyal ports granting favor with your nation
- Sealed Chests can no longer be pushed
- Crew can no longer be rearranged on the fleet window while they are incapacitated
- Searth now shows that it has 2 trainers in its map tooltip (new games only)
- Landing Party max UI now reflects any globalVar 'partySizeMod' changes
- Items that no longer exist because their source mod was disabled now become 'Junk'.
- Fixed crash when applying permanent effects to Actors using mod-defined ActorValues
- Added SpawnData.extraSpawnDataMins, SpawnData.extraSpawnDataMaxes, SpawnData.extraSpawnDataChances, and SpawnData.spawnExtraSpawnDataInOrder
- Added SpawnData.forbiddenAbilities to prevent specified abilites or passives
- Added SpawnData.forcedSupportAbilities to equip specified passives
- Added formulas 'm:enemyPower' and 'm:partyVsEnemyPower'
- Added SetPiece.canBeRotated, SetPiece.canBeFlippedX and SetPiece.canBeFlippedY
- Added ItemType.defaultQuantity and ItemType.defaultQuantity_rand
- Added support for 'cloneFrom' for SetPieces
- Added Task 'travel_procedural_point'
- ItemType.drawSprite now works properly
- TerrainType.canJumpOverFromAngle is now a list and can include multiple values
- TerrainType 'caveWallLedgeN' can now be jumped across from the left or right
- Added Action.canExceedMaxRankBy property (defaults to 0)
- Ability Tablets are automatically generated for mod abilities, but will not exceed max rank unless Action.canExceedMaxRankBy is set to 1 or more.
- Added ActorValue 'star' which grants +magnitude Stars to the current primary class
- 'resetloc' no longer resets ALL locations when no location ID is specified.
- 'resetlocations' is the new console command for resetting ALL locations.
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Horizon's Gate
Voyage into the wide world of Eral as an explorer, trader, or privateer.
Status | Released |
Author | Rad Codex |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | 2D, Exploration, Open World, Pirates, Sailing, Strategy RPG, Tactical RPG, Top-Down, Turn-based Strategy |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Color-blind friendly, Configurable controls |
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