It's been exactly one year since Kingsvein launched, so let's celebrate with a big new usability feature: ability demos! Now when you look at an ability in your...
Work to improve Kingsvein's balance, engine, and modding continues! Desecrate and Catalyze get a nice visual and mechanical upgrade, and there's a swathe of buf...
Little update for Kingsvein! Gouge is a little weaker when maxed out, dumb enemies are even dumber, and tooltips can be made way bigger. v1.1.22 Added 'Double T...
Here are a load of bugfixes, balance tweaks, and a couple convenience features just in time for the summer sale! Can now 'bookmark' classes by right-clicking or...
Now that it's been a few months, it's a good time to buff some underused abilities - especially single-target or weapon-based delayed attacks! Judgment, Snipe...
Kingsvein now has a 16th class, the Swarm's Eye! As a combination archer-summoner, the Swarm's Eye controls a swarm of Vixflies, calling them as allies or even...
I finally got the game set up so that it works on the launcher! And the manual installation has been simplified too - now you just run Kingsvein.exe. Le...
There is now an in-game menu for mods, just like Horizon's Gate had! If you use Steam, you can also access the Steam Workshop to download various mods. There's...